When the counting is done

Just want to congratulate our American brothers on their election. Not that I agree on your choice, but, hey, it’s not my country and it’s your choice.

But I’ve surfing around and reading here, and there and there seems to be general idea amongst the winners to blow their horn and claim that winning means, that they where right. And that the democrats where wrong. Sorry, fellows, but that’s not what it means. It means that a majority voted on your guy. It’s says nothing about being wrong or right, just something about popularity. What’s how democracy works. Right or wrong doesn’t enter the question.

You also have to look at the numbers and think really hard about them. Nearly half the country voted for the other guy! Bush W may have won, but nearly half the county put out a message saying “we want something else”. You can of course ignore them, but it makes for divided country and that’s never good.

Well, it’s good for the rest of the world, but if America wants to be strong, it should really try to unite. God knows, you got problems already …. Have you taken a look at your budget lately?

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